Mobile massage
Below is a selection of mobile massages that we perform in our clients' homes.
Classic massage
It is the most popular type of massage, which, depending on its intensity, can be curative, relaxing, stimulating, etc. Its task is to improve the psychophysical condition of the patient. It is used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Massage has an analgesic effect, improves tissue nutrition, regenerates muscles, regulates muscle tension, increases flexibility and elasticity of muscles, reduces adipose tissue, accelerates metabolism. It can have a healing, relaxing or stimulating effect, and activates blood and lymph flow.
Anti-cellulite cupping massage
Anti-cellulite cupping massage will help you get rid of cellulite, shape the body and firm the skin. This massage works quickly and effectively, and the effects are visible after a few treatments. Chinese cupping massage can be performed not only to reduce cellulite. Vacuum therapy is used in the treatment of various diseases, such as back pain, and relieves tense muscles.
Sports massage
It is dedicated to athletes and people with an active lifestyle. It allows you to fight the effects of fatigue caused by physical effort. Massage helps to relax the tired muscles and prevents future damage. It is indispensable in situations where athletes need to make an effort before they have time to rest, e.g. intense effort during competition or periods in preparation for the competition season.
Firming massage
It combines the advantages of classic and energy massage, stimulates the muscles, skin and cardiovascular system, and at the same time has a great effect on the nervous system – balances the negative reactions to stress sent by the body, eliminates involuntary muscle tension, restores the correct heart rhythm, proper circulation and blood pressure. It is performed with slow, anti-stress and calming movements. It allows you to get rid of the tension all over the body, especially after prolonged physical and mental exertion. It is recommended for insomnia, neuralgia, headaches, back, shoulder and leg problems.
Relaxing massage
It combines the advantages of classic and energy massage, stimulates the muscles, skin and cardiovascular system, and at the same time has a great effect on the nervous system – balances the negative reactions to stress sent by the body, eliminates involuntary muscle tension, restores the correct heart rhythm, proper circulation and blood pressure. It is performed with slow, anti-stress and calming movements. It allows you to get rid of the tension all over the body, especially after prolonged physical and mental exertion. It is recommended for insomnia, neuralgia, headaches, back, shoulder and leg problems.
Japanese ritual of face massage
Its purpose is to relax the face, remove fatigue caused by stress and work. It also affects blood circulation and relaxes the facial muscles.
It has a firming effect and improves skin tension on the face, neck and nape. This way, the wrinkles around the forehead and the corners of the eyes are eliminated – the so-called crow’s feet, paranasal furrows and wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.
Its task is to help reduce pain, reduce sensory hypersensitivity, support the work of muscles, or make them relax. It is one of the forms of therapy used in rehabilitation, which uses the effect of a specially constructed plaster on the body in order to use its compensation possibilities, among others reduces pain or sensory hypersensitivity in the skin and muscles, supports the work of muscles or causes their relaxation, reduces the excess of lymphatic fluid causing swelling and corrects the position of the joints.
Stress Off massage
Massage based on deep massage technique, classical massage and Japanese ritual facial massage.
Duration 90 minutes, where the massage is divided into two parts. The first 60 minutes of massage the back part of the body: neck, shoulders, arms, hands, back and legs. The second part 30 minutes of facial massage ritual. The ritual includes Massage of the neck, shoulders and face.
The facial massage uses lymphatic drainage techniques and firming massage along with energetic massage and the whole ritual is finished with face and head compressions.
Face Time
Author’s performance of facial massage using Kobido massage technique and Japanese facial massage ritual.
“Face time” massage, is a great way to reduce tension, improve circulation and rejuvenate the body while giving deep relaxation. Systematic use of facial massage provides visible and long-lasting results.
The “Face time” ritual lasts 45 minutes and is divided into four stages:
- Relaxing
- Lymphatic drainage
- Lifting
- Energetic
Massage effects: – prevention of skin aging – eliminates excessive tension in the muscles of the face and neck – removes toxins and impurities – improves blood circulation and lymph flow.
The massage technique aims to balance the function of the entire body. It reduces tension, improves circulation, rejuvenates the body, and provides deep relaxation.
Kobido provides visible and long-lasting effects, and is a completely natural and non-invasive form of facial lifting and rejuvenation. It has a positive impact on well-being and helps to alleviate excess stress. Kobido is a 100% natural and safe treatment for the skin.
Kobido massage consists of individual stages of a cosmetic treatment that are performed in a specific way to achieve satisfactory results.
Contraindications to massage:
- Skin inflammations
- Tonsillitis, nodules in lymph nodes
- Tumors and conditions after their surgical removal
- Advanced atherosclerosis of blood vessels
- Fever
- High blood pressure
- Fresh tooth extraction, purulent changes around teeth
- Hyperthyroidism
- Rosacea
- Strongly vascular skin
- Short period after invasive facial procedures.
Kobido Antiage Face Taping
KOBIDO Facial Massage combined with Antiage Face Taping
We are already familiar with the effects of KOBIDO massage, but combining massage with taping provides a comprehensive, multi-dimensional anti-aging treatment.
Taping helps to maintain the effect of the massage by increasing microcirculation and lymph flow. The ANTIAGE TAPING stimulates compensatory mechanisms, which accelerates the process of collagen regeneration. This is a non-invasive way to achieve lasting results.
Homerehab Kobido Revital Spa
Kobido massage ritual combined with a nourishing face mask, followed by Face Taping. The Kobido massage lasts for 70 minutes, after which one of three selected nourishing masks is applied, while a massage is given to the arms, neck, and head. The relaxation with the mask lasts for approximately 30 minutes. After removing the mask, taping is applied to selected areas of the face. The taping can be left on for as long as desired, but it is recommended to leave it on overnight. Upon waking up, the taping should be removed.
Asian Style
The entire ritual lasts for 60 minutes and is divided into two parts. The first part involves covering the body with a towel and applying pressure points on the entire body from feet to head. The second part involves using oil to massage the back, neck, arms, hands, and legs.
The Thai massage ends with towel pressure and traditional tapping. The “Asian Style” massage is intended for those who prefer a stronger massage, although the intensity can be customized to be stronger or gentler, as desired.
The massage is accompanied by the scent of selected incense and relaxing music.
I warmly invite you to book an “Asian Style” massage and also offer home visits for your convenience.