Are you the owner of a company in Cracow where your employees
work in a sitting position or physically hard?
Do you often face sick leave from work, and you lack an idea how to take care of your employees?
HomeRehab – mobile massage Cracow invites all companies from Cracow and the surrounding area to use our services
in which each employee will be massaged completely free of charge on a specialized massage table for 20 minutes in a room designated by the company.
Additionally, each employee will receive a one-time voucher – 50% for a home visit.

The massage is performed on the back of the upper body, including upper limbs, cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine – we also focus on the individual needs of the client. The treatment’s purpose is to relax and unwind the employee.
Our specialists are masseurs with a professional approach to their work. They are graduates with a Master’s Degree gained at the University School of Physical Education in Cracow, the Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. They also graduated from massage schools and courses.
HomeRehab mobile massage Cracow is a company that is logistically and organizationally ready to organize an event at the highest level. We can fully adapt to the needs of the company and its employees.

The massage trial day does not include any hidden fees and contracts. Everything is completely free and without obligation.
After the trial day, if you find that you liked our services and you want regular visits to your company, we have diverse options of prices and duration of the massage.
At regular cooperation, you will receive an exclusive, individual offer for your company at a suitable price, and each employee will get a permanent -10% discount on home visits.